Exhibits offer art, history, nature and mental health
Chilly days this winter get us thinking about ways to spend time with our kids indoors and engage their minds with something other than video games and TV. Below you’ll find some interesting exhibits at various museums across northern Colorado to consider. Subjects include art, history, photography, nature and more. Some will even help you start discussions with your children of all ages about mental health.
An evening with John Fielder
John Fielder, Colorado’s premiere photographer, will project photographs from his latest book “Weld County: 4,000 Square Miles of Grandeur, Greatness & Yesterdays” on a 30-foot screen, plus a book sale and signing. Presented by and supporting Friends of the Greeley Museums. Wednesday, November 3, 7–9:30pm, Monfort Concert Hall at Union Colony Civic Center.
Black and White in Black and White: Images of Dignity, Hope, and Diversity in America
This virtual exhibition features striking photographs from African American photographer John Johnson that reveal the dignity and hope of his friends and neighbors between 1910 and 1925, a time of great promise for African Americans. Presented by Loveland Museum. Through November 19, View online at https://exhibits.exhibitenvoy.org/loveland-bwbw.
Nativities and Global Festivals of Light
Features crèche scenes and light celebrations from around the world. November 26–January 22, 2022. Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures, 200 W. Mountain Ave., FC. Tuesday–Saturday, 11am–5pm.
Mental Health: Mind Matters
All-ages special exhibit with hands-on experiences and multimedia activities to raise awareness about mental health and create a safe space for important conversations about mental illness. Through January 2. Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, 408 Mason Ct., Fort Collins. Wednesday–Sunday, 10am–5pm.
Forces of Nature Exhibit
Through many mediums, regional artists exhibit their interpretation of awe-inspiring forces of nature. Weekends through January 9, 2022. Art & Heritage Center, 116 5th St., Windsor. Noon–4pm.
Blow Up II: Inflatable Contemporary Art
Featuring large-scale sculptures by internationally renowned artists, this exhibit explores the imaginative ways artists use air as a tool to open a dialogue about pop culture and social norms. Through January 9, 2022. Museum of Art Fort Collins, 201 S. College Ave., Fort Collins, Wednesday–Friday, 10am–5pm, Saturday–Sunday, 2–5pm.
A Message for the Future: Greeley’s Time Capsules
This exhibition features a selection of items from both the 1967 Civic Center time capsule and the 1970 Welcome Wagon Newcomers’ Club time capsule. Discover who Greeley residents were, what their lives were like, what they hoped, what they dreamed, and what they wanted us to remember. Through March 12, 2022. Greeley History Museum, 714 8th Street, Greeley. Thursday–Saturday, 10am–4pm.
Empowering Voters, Defending Democracy
Features the Greeley-Weld League of Women Voters Curator’s Corner Exhibit to learn about their fight to preserve a democracy where every person has the right to participate. Through Saturday, April 16, 2022. Greeley History Museum, 714 8th Street, Thursday–Saturday, 10am–4pm; Twilight hours second Thursday each month, 4–8pm.

Theresa is a senior-level marketing professional with substantial experience in developing and executing integrated campaigns including communications (articles/newsletters/brochures), PR and social/trade events. She earned a marketing degree from CSU and lives in Fort Collins with her husband and two children.