Each month, I have the opportunity to share with our community the incredible and extraordinary things that our nearly 15,000 students accomplish in the classrooms, in the arts, through athletics and activities, and even within our community. We are proud of our students and their journeys and achievements as they matriculate from early childhood through high school and beyond. These achievements and celebrations are only realized through the collective efforts and dedication of our incredible staff, our supportive parents and guardians, our business, educational, religious, and nonprofit partners, as well as our caring and engaged community.

Our work in Thompson School District is anchored in our Strategic Plan, Strive 2025, as well as within our Portrait of a Graduate. These documents are more than words on a page; they are commitments and assurances to our students, our parents, and our community members that the work we do in TSD is important, necessary, and foundational in preparing our students to be college, career, and community ready.

This school district also has a deep and unwavering commitment to our equity principles, which are not only found within Board of Education policy but are also entrenched in the work we do each and every day. These principles focus on the value and dignity of each of our students by creating environments that are safe and supportive and are designed to meet their educational, mental health, and social- emotional needs. Our equity policy recognizes that all of our students have worth, and all of our students have the right to access and pursue their educational journeys in safe, supportive, and inclusive environments.

Our students continue to thrive and achieve, from outstanding student growth and achievement to strong graduation rates and a myriad of post-secondary placements ranging from college options to workforce options and the military. The educational journey begins in early childhood when our students exhibit curiosity and develop school-readiness skills all the way through their elementary, middle, and high school experiences. Our district also works hard to cultivate business partnerships, create real-world learning opportunities, and provide experiences through the arts, athletics, and co-curricular activities. We aim to be a full-service, fully immersive experience for each of our students.

We affirm to our community that Thompson School District is a place where students can and will learn, develop, and thrive. We will prepare our students to be outstanding citizens, self-advocates, critical thinkers, effective communicators, and collaborators. We recognize and understand that our students have unique needs. We also understand that our students are individuals, who have a name, have a story, have a history, and have worth. Most importantly, our students have dreams and aspirations for their futures, and it is incumbent on us as a school district and a community to help them reach their fullest and best potential – without barriers or burdens.

In closing, as the proudest superintendent in the state of Colorado, I want to continue to reaffirm our district’s commitment to supporting each of our students – every day – from January through December. I am deeply grateful and appreciative of our incredible staff, our supportive parents and guardians, and our amazing community. Together, Thompson School District will deliver on meeting the needs of each of our students!

Dr. Marc Schaffer
Thompson School District